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In today's digital landscape, managing multiple usernames and passwords across various systems can be a daunting task. Single sign-on (SSO) systems offer a solution by allowing users to authenticate...

In today's digital landscape, where organizations heavily rely on technology and automation, managing machine identities has become a crucial aspect of identity security. Machine identities, also...

An effective identity security program requires the collaboration of various stakeholders, each with their own roles and responsibilities. These stakeholders play a crucial role in ensuring the...

As organizations face increasing threats to their digital assets, the need for a comprehensive and robust identity security program has become paramount. To effectively address the challenges...

Oort publishes first edition "Blueprint for Building an Identity Security Program" handbook aimed at helping identity practitioners build successful programs to reduce their attack surface and...

Exciting updates this week! Introducing the "Link User" capability for consolidated user management, a powerful "Compromised Session" check, and the ability to snooze notifications for failing users....

Following an exciting week at Identiverse 2023, we’re starting off the week with a flurry of new capabilities. This week, our headline item is a new check for monitoring activity from untrustworthy...

There are some cool new updates for those of you using Azure Active Directory, as we’re now collecting more data types and providing monitoring for accounts using weak forms of multi-factor...