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Identity Threat Detection & Response for Enterprise Security

Ace the audit with low-lift access reviews.

Make access reviews a part of normal business operations instead of an...

Empower your enterprise IAM team with instant identity security and analytics.

See your whole identity program in one place.

Connect your identity provider(s) and human...

New features

New check: Admin role assigned to user in Okta

The admin role in Okta comes with great power (and responsibility), so it is best to monitor whenever a user is getting admin privileges,...

New features

New Check: Admin Impersonation in Okta

Okta offers the ability for admins to impersonate any user in their account (and benefit from the permissions of that user in the environment).


On August 7th this year an attack called #oktapus started to get uncovered by Group-IB. The attack was targeting Okta customers, but how does the sentence “9,931 accounts at more than 130...

Oort enthusiasts,

This week we have been hard at work making investigations faster and more accurate in Oort, and improving usability over the whole portal:

It’s been a busy week in the world of identity with some sobering developments impacting organizations using Okta. The so-called “0ktapus” campaign is out there stealing credentials and weak one-time...

Phew! We just got back from the Gartner IAM Summit in Las Vegas. It was great to connect with current customers, demo Oort to new partners, and learn all about the trends that are shaping the future...