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We have a lot of new and useful features to announce this week, but first some news. We’ll be at the Gartner IAM Summit in Las Vegas next week where we expect to be blown away by all of the...

It’s a great week here at Oort! As you know, we’re on a mission to help security and IT teams take control of their identity security, and a big part of that is how we collect data to calculate...

We have some more great product updates this week, including **THREE** all-new Identity Security Checks. If you’re an Okta customer, you’ll find these especially valuable in keeping your Okta...

It’s been another busy week for us with some of our team at CSA Western Michigan’s CloudCon conference and others at AWS re:Inforce in Boston.

Identity security remains a hot topic and our recent trip to Identiverse in Denver, CO, proved that there are many brilliant minds out there focused on solving the issue. We learned a lot, met with a...

We’ve just gotten back from a whirlwind trip to the RSA Conference in San Francisco where we met up with partners, customers, prospects, and friends. If you’re following our LinkedIn (if not, you...

Nicolas Dard, Oort’s VP of Product Management, took the time to share with us a little bit about his position with Oort and how he got involved in the cyber security world. With almost 15 years of...

The numbers are stunning: over 60% of data breaches are the result of credential abuse. Another way of saying this is that by focusing on identity security, you can reduce your likelihood of a breach...